Governing Body

The elite decision making body of the college is the Governing Body. Governing Body of the college meets twice in a year in order to discuss various issues and aspects related to the development of the college and its academic standards. It includes considering and approving the institution strategic plan which sets the academic aim and objectives of the institution and identifies the financial, physical and staffing strategies and so on. It chalks out a roadmap in order to achieve the goals of the institute.

# Name & Designation Position Category & Nature
1 Sri S. Venkata Rami Reddy
Secretary, Little Flower Educational Society
Chairman Management
2 Sri S. Dinesh Reddy
Managing Director,SVREC
Member Management
3 Dr. E. Aruna Kanthi , Professor of Civil Engineering
JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu
JNTUA Nominee
4 Dr. M. Ranjit Reddy, Professor, CSE Dept.
SRIT, Ananthapuramu
5 Dr. Y.V. Mohan Reddy
Professor of Mechanical Engineeing
GPR Engineering College, Kurnool
6 Dr. T. Jaya Chandra Prasad , Principal
RGM College of Engineering. & Technology, Nandyal
7 Sri A.V. Raghunatha Reddy (APS DTE Nominee)
Senior Lecturer, MED, ESC Govt. Polytechnic, Nandyal
8 Sri K. Sreenivasa Ramanujam
TCS, Bengaluru
9 Dr P. Sankar Babu
Professor & HOD of EEE, SVREC
10 Dr. M. Sivarama Krishnaiah,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering., SVREC
11 Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy
Principal, SVREC
Member Secretary Principal