About Us

Established in the year 2007, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering offers an Undergraduate programme (B.Tech) and two Postgraduate programmes (M.Tech) – VLSI System Design and Embedded Systems. The B.Tech programme of the department is approved by AICTE. The department aims to provide the best quality education at both graduate and postgraduate levels besides to encourage research and development for achieving academic excellence.
Our department has a team of highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty and a young, dynamic staff team. The faculty members are given ample opportunities for professional advancement by the department.
Our department has solid infrastructure such as full-fledged laboratories equipped with modern equipment and software. We equip ourselves with modern instruments and teaching aids to enhance the core technical skills of our students.
Our ECE branch organizes industrial visits, guest lectures, seminars, workshops, and symposiums to provide the students with the experience that will transform them into engineers, leaders, and entrepreneurs
Our ECE department prepares the students for stellar careers as researchers, academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs and others in core industries such as IT, robotics, automotive, mechatronics, telecommunication, and aerospace.


To produce highly skilled, creative and competitive Electronics and Communication Engineers to meet the emerging needs of the society.


  • Impart core knowledge and necessary skills in Electronics and Communication Engineering through innovative teaching and learning.
  • Inculcate critical thinking, ethics, lifelong learning and creativity needed for industry and society
  • Cultivate the students with all-round competencies, for career, higher education and self-employability

Program Assessment Committee (PAC)

The Program Assessment Committee (PAC) has been formed for monitoring of Computer Science and Engineering Departmental activities.The PAC consists of faculty members and technical staff of the department who periodically monitors the departmental activities and evaluate different parameters.

Composition: The present composition of the PAC is as follows.
SNO Name of the member Designation Address
1 Dr P Mallikarjuna Reddy Chairman Principal
2 Dr.G.Lakshminarayana Convener Head of the department
3 Dr.K.Vasudeva Reddy Member A senior faculty member of the department
4 Dr.G.Nagarajan Member Senior faculty member, department of ME,
G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool
5 Dr.M.M.Raghavendra Member Dean at Amara Raja Skill Development Center,Tirupati
6 S.Mohan Das Member A senior faculty member of the department
7 M.V.Krishna Reddy Member Scientist-F ISRO Bangalore
8 D.Anuradha Member A senior faculty member of the department
9 Dr.S.Govindarajulu Member A Senior faculty member, department of ECE, Dr.K.V. Subba Reddy Institute of Technology

Roles and responsibilities: The roles and responsibilities of PAC are as follows.

  • Monitoring the achievements of Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSO), Program Educational Objectives (PEOs).
  • Evaluating program effectiveness and proposing necessary changes.
  • Preparing periodic reports on program activities, progress, status, or other special reports for Management.
  • Motivating the faculty and students towards attending workshops, developing projects, working models, paper publications, and engaging in research activities.
  • Interacting with students facilitates the achievement of POs, PSOs, and PEOs.
  • Interacting with stakeholders regarding the improvement of POs, PSOs, and PEOs.

PO's,PEO's & PSO's

Program Outcomes(PO's)

PO Number Graduate Attributes PO Statements
1 Engineering Knowledge Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex Engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze Complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Design/Development of Solutions Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety , and the cultural, societal , and environmental considerations.
4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems Ability to review research literature, use research methods to execute project and synthesize the problem to provide valid conclusions.
5 Modern Tool Usage Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6 The Engineer and Society Apply reasoning informed by the contextual Knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7 Environment and Sustainability Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and Demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8 Ethics Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9 Individual and team work Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10 Communication Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11 Project Management and Finance Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12 Life-long Learning Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs):

  • Graduates apply their knowledge of mathematics and science to identify, analyze and solve problems in the field of Electronics and develop sophisticated communication systems

  • Graduates embody a commitment to professional ethics, diversity and social awareness in their professional career.

  • Graduates exhibit a desire for life-long learning through technical training and professional activities.

Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs):

  • Apply the fundamental concepts of electronics and communication engineering to design a variety of components and systems for applications including signal processing, image processing, communication, networking, embedded systems, VLSI and control system

  • Select and apply cutting-edge engineering hardware and software tools to solve complex Electronics and Communication Engineering problems

Programs Offered


Intake : 120 seats


  1. Regulation scheme R23 for Second Year - I & II sem   click here
  2. Regulation scheme R20 for Third & Final Year - I & II sem   click here


Intake : 18 seats


  1. Regulation scheme R21   click here

Hod's Message

It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you to the department Hodof Electronics and Communication Engineering of SVR Engineering College. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year of 2007 with the aim of imparting information on cutting-edge technologies in the field of electronics and communication Engineering. The Department also offering Master of technology (M.Tech) in Very Large Scale Integration System Design (VLSISD).The department has been meeting the needs of students by imparting the most up-to-date and need-based professional information since its inception.Electronics and Communication Engineering is one of the most rapidly expanding engineering fields.The current global technological transition is transforming the environment and providing challenging opportunities for engineers in particular. In this technological revolution, Electronics and Communication Engineering plays a critical role.

The Department has a team of experienced and well-qualified faculty members who are in the process of tuning the young minds to make them globally competitive. Innovative methods of teaching and learning process are adopted to achieve learning abilities through practice, exposure and motivation. Electronics engineers must come up with new ways to solve problems that impact our everyday lives. It includes a variety of technologies that make our lives simpler and more enjoyable, such as TV, Radio, Computers, Telecommunications, Mobile communication,Satellite Communication and so on. ECE engineers have a bright future. Since the world is changing in the area of technology and developments, the scope is very wide. Electronics and computers are used in nearly every industry, so it has a wide range of applications. They can also work for both private and public communications firms. Electronic engineers are employed by defense, space, and other large-scale research organizations in the development and design of telecommunication and signal processing systems and devices. DRDO,ISRO, ECIL, DERL, BEL, BSNL, NRSA INTEL, Samsung Electronics, Sony, Toshiba, Philips Semiconductors, Texas Instruments, LG Electronics, AMD,CISCO, HP, DELL, Lenovo and IBM are the companies that hire Electronics and Communication Engineers.

Student chapters of professional organization IEEE were housed in the department.To inspire students, college divisions often hold technical and non-technical activities. These activities help students improve their soft skills, technical skills, mindset and self-confidence. Our goal is to instill concepts in students' minds, instill a scientific mindset in them and direct them toward communication engineering science.Students are encouraged to engage in a variety of events such as paper presentations, technical quizzes, project design, project competitions and NSS.

I am confident that the student would justify the credibility of the ECE Department by showing a high level of professional competence.

I wish best of luck to all of them
Professor and Head of the Department,
E-Mail : ecehod@svrec.ac.in

Our Faculty

Faculty Profiles Click Here


The following are the laboratories which were established.
  1. Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab
  2. Electronic Circuit and Analysis Lab
  3. Microwave & Optical Communication Lab
  4. Linear IC Applications Lab
  5. Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab
  6. Communications Lab
  7. Electronic Computer-Aided Design Lab
  8. Digital Signal Processing Lab
  9. VLSI / ES Lab
  10. Digital Logic design Lab

Lab Equipment Details

Technical laboratories Equipment Details click here

Lab Manuals

  3. SIMULATION R20 LAB MANUALclick here
  4. L & DICA R20 LAB MANUALclick here
  5. EDC LAB R20 MANUALclick here
  6. VLSI & ES R15 LAB MANUALLclick here
  7. MW & OC R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  8. DSP R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  9. ACS R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  10. ECA R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  11. EDC R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  12. LDICA R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  13. SIMULATION R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  14. DCS R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  15. MPMC R15 LAB MANUALclick here
  16. ACS LAB MANUAL R19click here
  17. ECA LAB MANUAL R19click here
  19. DCS R19 LAB MANUALclick here
  20. DSP LAB R19 MANUALclick here
  21. EDC R19 LAB MANUALclick here


Publications Click Here


Faculty data Click here

Student data Click here

MENTOR-MENTEE list Click Here


Workshops Click here

Guest Lectures Click here

Faculty Development Programs (FDP) Click here

lecture Notes

FIRST YEAR (R20 Regulation)

SNO Semester - I Semester - II
1 Linear Algebra and Calculus Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
2 Applied Physics Chemistry
3 Communicative English C-Programming & Data Structures
4 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Electronic Devices & Circuits click here
5 Engineering Drawing

SECOND YEAR (R20 Regulation)

SNO Semester - I Semester - II
1 Complex Variables and Transforms click here Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission lines click here
2 Signals & Systems Digital Logic Design click here
3 Electrical Engineeringclick here Communication Systems
4 Analog Circuits Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes click here
5 Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis Linear & Digital IC Applications
6 Universal Human Values

THIRD YEAR (R19 Regulation)

SNO Semester - I Semester - II
1 ANTENNAS & WAVE PROPAGATIONclick here Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKINGclick here Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
3 Digital Communicationclick here Digital Sytem Design Through VHDL
4 Integrated Circuits and Applications click here Digital Signal Processing
5 English Language Skillsclick here Data Science
6 Technical Communication & Presentation skillsclick here Priciples & Techniques of Modern Radar Systems

FOURTH YEAR (R15 Regulation)

SNO Semester - I Semester - II
1 Optical Fiber Communication click here Low Power VLSI Circuits & Systemsclick here
2 Embedded Systems click here RF Integrated Circuits click here
3 Microwave Engineering
4 Data Communications and Networking click here
5 Radar Systems click here
6 Digital Image Processing

Board of Studies

S.No Name Designation
1 Dr.G.Lakshmi Narayana BoS Chairman
2 Dr.K.Mallikarjuna Prof. , SVREC, Nandyal
3 Dr.M.M.Raghavendra Prof. , SVREC, Nandyal
4 Dr.K.Vasudeva Reddy Prof. , SVREC, Nandyal
5 Dr.D.Raghunatha Rao Asso.  Prof., SVREC, Nandyal
6 S.Mohandas Asso Prof , SVREC, Nandyal
7 S.Arif Hussain Asso Prof, SVREC, Nandyal
8 NMD.Mohasinul Huq Asst Prof , SVREC, Nandyal
9 Dr.K.Lakshminarasimha Asst Prof , SVREC, Nandyal
10 Prof.G.Ramachandra Reddy Senior Professor, DSP Division, SENSE,  VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
11 Prof. Palanisamy Professor., Dept. of ECE, NIT, Tiruchi.
12 Dr.V. Sumalatha Professor, Dept. of ECE,JNTUA College of Engineering,Anantapur
13 Sri.IndranilSom Senior Engineer Technical Lead , Lemonflip Solutions West Bengal.
14 Sri K.Venkata Sreeharsha Design Engineer, Wafers pace Semiconductor, Bangalore