About Central Library

The Central Library plays an Important role in the college, it is situated in the first floor of the main building. The Central Library is one of the important facilities of SVR Engineering College as it caters to the information and research needs of faculty and students. Originated in the year 2007, it has about 35483 Volumes of Books , Journals and Periodicals. The college regularly subscribes to 56 Specialized Journals and Periodicals
The Library has more than 2500 Volumes in the Reference Section, advancing the Institute’s Mission to empower the students with technical knowledge and qualitative research. It is being developed to meet the needs of the doctoral candidates in future. A Book Bank is developed with a collection of 1100 books for the students of the socially underprivileged sections. Every student is expected to respect the privacy of others by following the rules of conduct. The library follows open access system, encouraging the user to browse freely in the stock area.
Standard text books and books by authors of repute in all the fields of Engineering, Management, Science and Humanities are stocked. The college strives to provide access to great number of books to a large number of students by obtaining multiple copies of prescribed books, on the suggestion of the faculty. Students are not likely to be handicapped for want of reference material at any time. Thus, the Library is a gateway to information as well as a comfortable place for Research.
Library Automation
The college library is partially automated with Software and Barcode System.The library is using Software for the automation of library operations like circulation, opac.
Internet and Intranet facility
Staff and students are permitted to use the internet facility for the purpose of research, paper publication and other information etc.
Digital Library
The digital library is providing internet facility to all the students and staff with 28 systems.
Book Bank
Book Bank section is maintained in the library for the benefit of SC & ST category students. All the SC & ST category students are allowed to borrow 02 books per head from the Book Bank section in addition to the main library borrowed by them.
Delnet - Library Network
The Library has membership for DELNET (Developing Library Network, New Delhi) and can access 5380 libraries of bibliographic databases and periodicals throughout the nation and some of the SAARC countries. DELNET aims to collect, store and disseminate information besides offering computerized services to users. It is very much useful for students, Researchers and Faculty members in resource sharing through the Inter Library Loan and document delivery facilities at the national and international level.

Other Information

Total Library Plinth Area 505 Sq. M
Seating Capacity 150 Seats
Library Working Hours 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Reference (Working Hours) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Circulation Section (Working Hours) 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Total Books

No. of Titles 6739
No. of Volumes 35483

The Number of tickets will be issued to staff and students as noted bellow:-

# Category Books Issued Duration
1 Faculty 08 For a semester
2 Computer Programmers & Computer Operators 03 For a period of 14 days
3 Non-teaching Staff 03 For a period of 14 days
4 Students(U.G.) 04 For a period of 14 days
5 Students(P.G.) 04 For a period of 14 days

Department-wise Total No. of Books in the Library

# Department Books
Titles & Volumes
1 CIVIL 875 4328
2 EEE 846 4417
3 Mechanical 688 3264
4 ECE 956 6129
5 CSE 923 6835
6 CSE-AI 291 1428
7 H&S 684 4937
8 MBA 489 1823
9 M.Tech 364 1048
10 General 623 1274
Total 6739 35483

e-Journals     Digital Resources

  2. National Digital Library of India
  3. Books from DELNET New Delhi
  4. NPTEL


# Staff Name Designation Qualification
1 K.V.N.R.Rajeswara Rao Librarian M.Li.Sc
2 E.Srinivasa Kumar Asst Librarian M.Li.Sc
3 P.Prabhu das Asst Librarian M.Li.Sc
4 A.Susmitha Library Assistant B.Li.Sc