The main objective of the academic committee is to oversee the academic affairs of the
college and make recommendations to the Principal about academic programs and strategic priorities. The
members of the committee sit together at regular intervals of time to develop the ways and means to ensure
that quality teaching-learning process should remain the top-most priority. This Committee also formulates
the guidelines, rules and regulations of all Academic affairs of the College.
The Academic Committee is formed with the following members under the chairmanship of Principal.
CAC Members
S.No | Name | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | PRINCIPAL | Chairman |
2 | Dr. P. Sankar Babu | HOD EEE | Member |
3 | Dr. M. Sivarama Krishnaiah | HOD MECH | Member |
4 | Mr. S. Mohandas | Assoc. Prof.ECE | Member |
The College has established a Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) in the college campus to empower girl students,
to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for women
students. With a view to taking up women’s issues and problems, the cell aims at creating awareness of
their rights and duties. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding
their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.
Aiming at intellectual
and social upliftment of the female students, the cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through
guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities.
S.No | Name | Designation & Dept. | Position |
1 | Dr P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mrs. V. Karuna | Asst. Professor, CSE | Convener |
3 | Mrs. D. Anuradha | Asst. Professor, ECE | Co-Convener |
4 | Mrs. S. Sneha Madhuri | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
5 | Ms. P. Manjusha | Asst. Professor, CIVIL | Member |
6 | Mrs. B. Kalyani | Asst. Professor, Chemistry | Member |
7 | Ms . J. Sri Renuka (19AM1A0206) | Student,4th B.Tech EEE | Member |
8 | Ms D.Supriya (19AM1A0552) | Student, 4th B.Tech CSE | Member |
9 | Ms. B.Lahari (20AM1A0441) | Student, 3rd B.Tech ECE | Member |
10 | Ms. G. Dharani (19AM1A0102) | SStudent, 4th B.Tech CE | Member |
Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) has been established to handle the grievances
from various stakeholders such as students, faculty, Parents and others. The cell will pay
special attention to women’s issues, student issues and SC/ST students.
The Committee is responsible to
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. P. Sankar Babu | HOD of EEE | Convener |
3 | Dr. M.Sivarama Krishnaiah | HOD of MECH | Member |
4 | Sri. J. Vara Prasad | HOD of C.E. | Member |
5 | Mrs . V. Karuna | Asst. Prof. of CSE | Member |
6 | Mr.D. Sajid (19AM1A0307) | Student, IV- ME | Member |
7 | Mr. S. Vasim Akram (20AM5A0215) | Student, IV EEE | Member |
8 | Mr. M. Sreekath (21AM5A0128) | Student, III CE | Member |
To develop entrepreneurial zeal among the students on a continuous basis and
prepare them to undertake independent technology development or self-employment during the course
of their work life.
S.No | Name | Designation & Dept. | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr.S.Mohandas | Asso. Prof. ECE | Convener |
3 | Mr N.Sreenivasulu | Assoc.Professor, ME | Co-convener |
4 | Dr.B.Narasimha Rao | HOD H&S | Member |
5 | Dr.j.Vara Prasad | HOD Civil | Member |
6 | Dr.P.Sankar Babu | HOD EEE | Member |
7 | Mrs.S. Sneha Madhuri | Asst.Professor EEE | Member |
8 | Mr.M.Siva Rama Krishnaiah | HOD Mech | Member |
9 | Dr.G.Laxminarayana | HOD ECE | Member |
10 | Mr.S. Arif Hussain | Assoc. Prof.,ECE | Member |
11 | Mr. B. Rama Subbaiah | HOD CSE (AI) | Member |
12 | Mr.G. Ramapursothamma Reddy | Asst. Professor MBA | Member |
13 | Ms. P. Mounisha Reddy (21AM5A0210) | 3nd Year EEE | Member |
14 | Mr. N.Parthasarathi Reddy (19AM1A0446) | 4th Year, Mech | Member |
15 | Mr. G.Surendra Babu (19AM1A0556) | 4th Year, CSE | Member |
SC/ST cell has been constituted in the college campus to resolve all the affairs and problems
related to the SC/ST students and faculties.
S.No | Name of Member | Designation | Position in the committee |
1 | Dr. P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. J. Varaprasad | Asso. Professor, Civil | Convener |
3 | Mr. S. Mohan Das | Assoc. Professor, ECE | Member |
4 | Mr. D. Umendra | Asst. Professor,EEE | Position in the committee |
5 | Dr. C. Chandrudu | Assoc. Professor, Mech | Member |
6 | Mr. P. Mallikarjuna | Asso. professor, ECE | Member |
7 | Mr. S. Srinivasulu | Office Assistant | Member |
8 | Mr.Y.Dileep (21AM5A0105) | Student, III CE | Member |
9 | Ms.B. Maheswari (21AM5A0206) | Student, IV EEE | Member |
10 | Mr.M.Raj Kumar (19AM1A0107) | Student, IV CE | Member |
11 | Mr.T. Revanth Babu (20AM5A0308) | Student, IV ME | Member |
The Examination Committee is an apex body of the Institute which is headed by Principal
and the Examinations Section i/c., to monitor the Examinations related activities.
S.No | Name of the Faculty Members | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr.Y. V. Rami Reddy | Exam Section In-Charge | Convener |
3 | Dr.B. Narasimha Rao | HOD H&S | Member |
4 | Mr.J. Vara Prasad | HOD Civil | Member |
5 | Dr.P Sankar Babu | HOD EEE | Member |
6 | Mr.M.Siva Ramakrishnaiah | HOD MECH | Member |
7 | Mr.G.Lakshminarayana | HOD ECE | Member |
8 | Mr.M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy | HOD CSE | Member |
9 | Mr. B. Rama Subbaiah | HOD CSE (AI) | Member |
10 | Mr.S. Srinivasulu | i/c HOD MBA | Member |
S.No | Library committee members | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr.M.M.Raghavendra | Prof (ECE) | Convener |
3 | Dr. P. Sankar Babu | HOD(EEE) | Member |
4 | Dr. G.Lakshmi Narayana | HOD (ECE) | Member |
5 | Dr. M.Sivarama Krishnaiah | HOD (MECH) | Member |
6 | Mr.M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy | HOD( CSE) | Member |
7 | Mr. M.Subba Reddy | HOD CSE(AI) | Member |
8 | Dr. A.Ravi Teja | HOD(Civil) | Member |
9 | Dr B. Narasimha Rao | HOD (H&S) | Member |
10 | Dr. P.Chandra rekha | Asst. Prof., (MBA) | Member |
11 | Mr.K. Rajeswara Rao | Librarian | Member |
12 | Mr.E. Srinivas Kumar | Asst. Librarian | Member |
13 | Ms. B. Nirmala Jyothi | Asst. Librarian | Member |
14 | Mr. A. Venkatadri, 21AM1A0308 | Student, III ME | Member |
15 | Ms. S.Ruheena Tanveer 20AM1A3127 | Student, IV CSE-AI | Member |
16 | Ms.S.Radha Kavya 21AM1A0465 | Student, III ECE | Member |
17 | Mr. V. Subramanyam, 22AM5A0211 | Student, III EEE | Member |
S.No | Name | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr.S.Mohan Das | Assoc.Prof.,( ECE) | Convener |
3 | Mr.S. Maddileti | Asst. Professor (EEE) | Member |
4 | Mr.B.V.Amarnath Reddy | Asst. Professor (ME) | Member |
5 | Mrs.G. Rajyalakshmi | Asst. Professor (ECE) | Member |
6 | Mrs.Y. Anitha Reddy | Asst. Professor (CSE / CAI) | Member |
7 | Mr. M. Mallikarjuna | Asst. Professor (CE) | Member |
8 | Mr. S.Sreenivasulu | Asst. Professor (MBA) | Member |
9 | Mr. V. Vivekananda Reddy | Alumni ( ECE 2015-19) | Member |
10 | Mr. K. Ramudu | Alumni ( ME 2015-19) | Member |
11 | Mr. D. Abhisikth Reddy | Alumni ( CE 2015-19) | Member |
12 | Mrs N. Hemalatha | Alumni ( EEE 2016-20) | Member |
The Website & Social Media Committee uses technology and the internet to communicate the goals and initiatives of the Institute, connect alumni and students with each other and with resources, and advance the professional development of faculty and students.
ObjectivesS.No | Name | Designation & Dept. | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna reddy | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Mr.N. Rakesh Babu | TPO | Convener |
3 | Dr.B.Narasimha Rao | HOD H&S | Member |
4 | Mrs.B. Sireesha | Assistant Professor, ECE | Member |
5 | Mr.M.Mallikarjuna | Assistant Professor Civil | Member |
6 | Mr.N.Sreenivasulu | Assistant Professor, ME | Member |
7 | Mr.S.Maddileti | Assistant Professor,EEE | Member |
8 | Mrs.A.Bindukala | Assistant Professor, CSE | Member |
SVREC is having a zero tolerance policy to ragging and maintains a strict Anti-ragging policy.
To educate students regarding anti-ragging laws and policies to prevent them from engaging in ragging.
The Committee is responsible to
S.No | Name of the member | Designation | Department | Position |
1 | Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairman | |
2 | Dr B. Narasimaha Rao | HOD | H&S | Convener |
3 | Sri Y. Venkata Rami Reddy | Asst.Professor | CIVIL | Co-Convener |
4 | Sri Ramasubbaiah Reddy | Principal,2nd shift Polytechnic | CIVIL | Member |
5 | Dr P. Sankar Babu | HOD | EEE | Member |
6 | Mr M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy | HOD | CSE | Member |
7 | Mr.K.Shammad Basha | Asst Prof | CIVIL | Member |
8 | Sri S Mohan Das | Assoc. Professor | ECE | Member |
9 | Mr. N.Sreenivasulu | Assoc. Professor | MECH | Member |
10 | Mrs. D. Anuradha | Girl’s Hostel i/c | ECE | Member |
11 | Sri S. Maddilteli | Assist. Professor | EEE | Member |
12 | Ms S. Nazia | Assistant Professor | Maths | Member |
13 | Smt B.V. Guru Lakshmi | Assistant Professor | English | Member |
14 | Mr. B. Anthony Reddy | Parent | Member | |
15 | Mr. K.V.Ramanjaneya Reddy | Parent/td> | Member | |
16 | Ms.T.Divya Sree | 3rd Year Student | CSE-AI | Member |
17 | Ms. S.Hemalatha | 2nd Year Student | CSE | Member |
18 | Mr.S.chandra sekhar Achari | 2nd Year Student | Mech | Member |
19 | Mr.A.Govardhan Reddy | 3rd Year Student | ECE | Member |
S.No | Name of the Faculty member | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr.N. Rakesh Babu | TPO | Convener |
3 | Mr.N. Sreenivasulu | Asst. Professor-ME | Member |
4 | Mrs. B.V.S.N. Lakshmi | Asst. Professor-CSE-AI | Member |
5 | Mr.K. Amarendranath | Asst. Professor-CSE | Member |
6 | Mrs. K.S. Pavani | Asst. Professor-ECE | Member |
7 | Mr.S.Maddileti | Asst. Professor-EEE | Member |
S.No | Name of the Faculty Members | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr. P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr.P.Ramesh Babu | Asso. Professor H&S | Convener |
3 | Mr.Sathish Goud | PED | Member |
4 | Mrs. B. Kalyani | Asst. Professor H&S | Member |
5 | Mrs.Sneha Maduri | Asst. Professor EEE | Member |
6 | Mr. S.N.Pradeep Kumar Reddy | Asst. Professor ME | Member |
7 | Mrs. D. Anuradha | Asst. Professor ECE | Member |
8 | Mr.Anitha Reddy | Asst. Professor CSE | Member |
9 | Mr.S.Sreenivasulu | Asst. Professor MBA | Member |
10 | Mr. P. Parabrahmam | Asst. Professor H&S | Member |
11 | Mr. T.Vamsi (19AM1A0482) | Student IV ECE | Member |
12 | Mr. Shaik Firoz (21AM5A0106) | Student III CE | Member |
13 | Mr. M.Jagadeesh (20AM5A0304) | Student IV ME | Member |
14 | Mr. K.Sravani (21am5a0410) | Student III ECE | Member |
15 | Mr.C.Manohar (20AM1A0526) | Student III ECE | Member |
SVREC has a canteen committee that is responsible for monitoring the operations of the
canteen at regular intervals and reviewing it.
Its primary responsibilities include
S.No | Name of the Faculty member | Designation | position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr B. Narasimha Rao | HOD, H & S | Convener |
3 | Mr. B.V.Amaranatha Reddy | Asst. Professor-ME | Member |
4 | Miss.P.Manjusha | Asst. Professor-CE | Member |
5 | Mr. S. Jakeer Hussain | Asst. Professor-MBA | Member |
6 | Mr.N M Mohasinul Huq | Asst. Professor-ECE | Member |
7 | Mr.D Umendra | Asst. Professor-EEE | Member |
8 | M. Sumanth (19AM1A0309) | IV B.Tech ME | Member |
9 | Ms. K.Naga Jyothi (19AM1A0529) | III B.Tech CSE | Member |
10 | Chandrika Y(20AM5A0202) | III B.Tech EEE | Member |
11 | T.Rama Panindra (20AM1A0463) | III B.Tech ECE | Member |
12 | M. Lokesh (21AM5A0115) | IV B.Tech CIVIL | Member |
13 | Mr. S. Manohar Naidu (20AM1A0447) | II B.Tech Civil | Member |
SVREC is committed to provide safe academic and working environment to all
girl students and its women employees. As per the guidelines of Supreme Court,
UGC, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal)
Act, 2013, an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) on Sexual Harassment has been
established. This committee has been constituted under the policy, prevention and
punishment for sexual harassment of women at workplace.
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Members
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mrs. B.V. Guru Lakshmi | Asst. Prof, English | Convener |
3 | Dr P. Sankar Babu | EEE HOD | Member |
4 | Mrs B. Sireesha | Asst. Prof, ECE | Member |
5 | Mrs. B. Kalyani | Asst. Prof,, Chemistry | Member |
6 | Ms. P.Akhila (19AM1A0405) | 4th B.Tech ECE student | Member |
7 | Ms. C. Mounika (20AM1A0527) | 3rd B.Tech CSE student | Member |
8 | Smt. J Swaroopa Rani | NGO | Member |
Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee members
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Department | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr. J.A.Sandeep Kumar | MECH | Convener |
3 | Mr.P.V.Subhanjaneyulu | MECH | Member |
4 | Mr.S. Maddilety | EEE | Member |
5 | Mr.K.Sudharshan | EEE | Member |
6 | Mr.M.Mallikarjuna | CIVIL | Member |
7 | Mr.K.Shammad Basha | CIVIL | Member |
8 | Mr.T.Shareef | CSE | Member |
9 | K.Amarendranath | CSE | Member |
10 | Mrs.A.Swetha | CSE-AI | Member |
11 | N.Md. Mohasinul Huq | CSE | Member |
12 | K.Raghavendra | ECE | Member |
13 | Mrs.D.Anuradha | ECE | Member |
14 | K.V.Ramanjaneya Reddy | MATH(H&S) | Member |
15 | G. Sunil Kumar | MATH(H&S) | Member |
16 | Mrs.S.Nazia | MATH(H&S) | Member |
The Admission Committee is constituted to decide on the Admission related matters of the College.
The committee will look into:
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Mr. P. Ramesh Babu | Asst. Professor, English | Convener |
3 | Mr. S. Mohan Das | Assoc. Professor, ECE | Member |
4 | Mr. M. Siva Rama Krishnaiah | Assoc. Professor, ME | Member |
5 | Mr.Y.V. Rami Reddy | Asst. Professor, Civil | Member |
6 | Mr.S.Mohammad Ishaq | Asst. Professor,H&S | Member |
7 | Mrs.Bindukala | Asst. Professor,CSE | Member |
8 | Mr.A.D.Sivarama kumar | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
9 | Mr.NMd Mohasinul Haq | Asst. Professor, ECE | Member |
10 | Mr.D.Umendra | Asst. Professor, EEE | Member |
Minority cell of the institute was established with the purpose of empowering the minority communities
in the institute.Institute has been very much keen to provide services to the educational and cultural
needs of the Minority community along with other caste, creed and nationality. The Minority Cell basically
helps minority students including Christian, Muslim etc. for their academic development
The committee will look into:
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | N Md Mohasinul Huq | Assistant Professor, ECE | Convener |
3 | B.V. Amaranatha Reddy | Assistant Professor, ME | Member |
4 | S Md Farooq Basha | Assistant Professor, HS | Member |
5 | S Nazia | Assistant Professor, HS | Member |
The SVR Engineering College (SVREC) is committed to providing an environment that promotes diversity and
respects everyone regardless of caste, colour, religious belief or cultures. While maintaining the diversity
of all kinds, it also commits to ensure the protection of everyone as per the provisions of the constitution
of India in such matters. In order to create a living and working environment where all students feel safe
and respected, there is a need to establish an OBC Cell with the following objectives:
The committee will look into:
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr M. Sivaramkrishnaiah | Professor, MECH | Convener |
3 | Mr. S Maddilety | Assistant Professor, EEE | Member |
4 | Mrs. B Shereesha | Assistant Professor, ECE | Member |
5 | Mr. P.V. Subhanjaneyulu | Assistant Professor, MECH | Member |
As per the instructions by AICTE, New Delhi, the Equal Opportunities
Cell (EOC) has been established to address the issues related to staff
& students belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe, Other Backward
Caste, minorities and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) on a continual
The main objective of the Equal Opportunity Cell is to help
and empower the persons with disabilities, students to participate fully
in the academic, intellectual, social and cultural life of college on an
equal basis.
S.No. | Name of Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Sri S. Mohan Das | Asst. Professor, ECE | Convener |
3 | Sri S. Srinivasulu | Asst. Professor, MBA | Member |
4 | Mrs. K. Manikyamma | Asst. Professor, CSE | Member |
5 | Ms. P. Hima Bindu | Asst. Professor, Chemistry | Member |