Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

It is the prime responsibility of IQAC to initiate, plan and supervise various activities that are necessary to increase the quality of the education imparted in an institution.
The structure of IQAC in SVREC:

  1. Chairperson Principal
  2. Management Representative
  3. Administrative Officer
  4. Teachers (8) including Controller of Exam Section I/C, Librarian and Training and Placement Officer, Nba coordinator
  5. Local Society representative
  6. Alumni Representative
  7. Parents Representative
  8. Students Representative
  9. Industry Representative
  10. IQAC Coordinator
  1. To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  2. To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

  1. Ensuring timely, efficient, and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  2. The relevance and quality of academic and research programs.
  3. Equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of society.
  4. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
  5. The credibility of evaluation procedures.
  6. Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance, and proper allocation of support structure and services.
  7. Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions.
  8. Keep track of the departments that are accredited by the NBA and ensure that those departments maintain the standards of the NBA
  9. To complete the NBA-pre qualifier every year for the departments not accredited by the NBA and notify the principal and CDC when any department becomes eligible for accreditation.

  1. Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution
  2. Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process
  3. Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents, and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
  4. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education
  5. Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles
  6. Documentation of the various programs/activities leading to quality improvement
  7. Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices
  8. Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality
  9. Development of Quality Culture in the institution
  10. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NBA, to be submitted to NBA
  1. Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus on institutional functioning towards quality Enhancement
  2. Ensure internalization of the quality culture
  3. Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices
  4. Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning
  5. Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in SVREC
  6. Build an organize methodology of documentation and internal communication.


Minutes of IQAC Meetings

  1. 28-07-2023Click Here
  2. 19-10-2023Click Here
  3. 19-01-2024Click Here
  4. 30-03-2024Click Here

IQAC Feedback Analysis

IQAC Feedback Analysis for 2017-2022 AY CLICK HERE

AQAR Report 2023-24 Click Here


Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) has been established to handle the grievances from various stakeholders such as students, faculty, Parents and others. The cell will pay special attention to women’s issues, student issues and SC/ST students.

  1. Principal as chairperson
  2. Three Members of Senior Faculty at least one of whom should be a female
  3. Three Students nominated by Principal
  4. Member of Non-teaching Staff
The Committee is responsible to
  1. To receive complaints and grievances from faculty, staff and students regarding employment, administration, and academics
  2. Maintain all files pertaining to the grievances redressing activities
  3. Meet twice a semester or more often if the situation demands, to discuss any grievances to discuss and resolve the grievances, if any received in writing from students
  4. Maintain the minutes of the meetings and brief the Principal
  5. Recommend to the Principal any action that needs to be taken in case of any serious or sensitive issue
  6. Convey the decision of the Principal to the aggrieved students in writing

Grievance Redressal Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Dr. P. Sankar Babu HOD of EEE Convener
3 Dr. M.Sivarama Krishnaiah HOD of MECH Member
4 Sri. J. Vara Prasad HOD of C.E. Member
5 Mrs . V. Karuna Asst. Prof. of CSE Member
6 Mr.D. Sajid (19AM1A0307) Student, IV- ME Member
7 Mr. S. Vasim Akram (20AM5A0215) Student, IV EEE Member
8 Mr. M. Sreekath (21AM5A0128) Student, III CE Member


To develop entrepreneurial zeal among the students on a continuous basis and prepare them to undertake independent technology development or self-employment during the course of their work life.

  1. ED-Cell will be responsible for conducting various interventions and academic programs to impart knowledge, skill and attributes which will help in innovation, problem solving, technology development, project management, entrepreneurial motivation.
  2. To provide supporting systems including laboratories, innovation kits etc.
  3. To create Entrepreneurial culture in SVREC.
  4. To conduct skill development training programmes leading to self employment.
  5. To arrange visits to industries for prospective entrepreneurs.
  1. Organizing Workshops and Lectures periodically to create awareness about entrepreneurship.
  2. Functioning as a guide for students with creative ideas which can be transformed into successful companies.
  3. Providing Mentor ship through individuals for students launching their start-ups.
  4. Organize events and competitions related to entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell Members
S.No Name Designation & Dept. Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.S.Mohandas Asso. Prof. ECE Convener
3 Mr N.Sreenivasulu Assoc.Professor, ME Co-convener
4 Dr.B.Narasimha Rao HOD H&S Member
5 Dr.j.Vara Prasad HOD Civil Member
6 Dr.P.Sankar Babu HOD EEE Member
7 Mrs.S. Sneha Madhuri Asst.Professor EEE Member
8 Mr.M.Siva Rama Krishnaiah HOD Mech Member
9 Dr.G.Laxminarayana HOD ECE Member
10 Mr.S. Arif Hussain Assoc. Prof.,ECE Member
11 Mr. B. Rama Subbaiah HOD CSE (AI) Member
12 Mr.G. Ramapursothamma Reddy Asst. Professor MBA Member
13 Ms. P. Mounisha Reddy (21AM5A0210) 3nd Year EEE Member
14 Mr. N.Parthasarathi Reddy (19AM1A0446) 4th Year, Mech Member
15 Mr. G.Surendra Babu (19AM1A0556) 4th Year, CSE Member


SC/ST cell has been constituted in the college campus to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the SC/ST students and faculties.

  1. To bring the students belongs to SC/ST community at par with the main stream student body.
  2. To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and non-academic matters.
  3. To monitor the implementation of reservation policy in the institution
  1. Committee often meets the students and faculties belong to SC/ST communities, to understand their problem and take necessary action and/or render them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter
  2. Creating awareness among the SC/ST students regarding the various Government and Non-Government scholarship schemes
  3. Counseling the students to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc

SC / ST Committee Members
S.No Name of Member Designation Position in the committee
1 Dr. P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Dr. J. Varaprasad Asso. Professor, Civil Convener
3 Mr. S. Mohan Das Assoc. Professor, ECE Member
4 Mr. D. Umendra Asst. Professor,EEE Position in the committee
5 Dr. C. Chandrudu Assoc. Professor, Mech Member
6 Mr. P. Mallikarjuna Asso. professor, ECE Member
7 Mr. S. Srinivasulu Office Assistant Member
8 Mr.Y.Dileep (21AM5A0105) Student, III CE Member
9 Ms.B. Maheswari (21AM5A0206) Student, IV EEE Member
10 Mr.M.Raj Kumar (19AM1A0107) Student, IV CE Member
11 Mr.T. Revanth Babu (20AM5A0308) Student, IV ME Member


The Examination Committee is an apex body of the Institute which is headed by Principal and the Examinations Section i/c., to monitor the Examinations related activities.

  1. To ensure smooth and orderly conduct of internal and external examinations in the institute as per guidelines issued by JNTUA from time to time.
  2. To ensure timely correction of answer books for timely declaration of results by the JNTUA.
  3. To ensure proper coordination with all departments for timely dissemination of examination related information to all students.
  4. To coordinate and conduct internal examinations such as test and prelim exams.
  5. To ensure that the results are made available to the students at the earliest after the examinations.
  1. To conduct end of semester examinations as per the university time table and directives.
  2. To distribute mark sheets to the students who pass the examinations at end of each year.
  3. To distribute degree certificates that are provided by the JNTUA to the students who pass the examinations upon successful completion of course.
  4. To keep record of each and every issue related to the examinations.
  5. To prepare internal examinations time table as per academic calendar.
  6. To coordinate with the Heads of the Departments to ensure timely submission of question papers to conduct internal examinations as per JNTUA guidelines.
  1. Examinations Section i/c should conduct regular meeting of the committee and take decision after due deliberations.
  2. Time table relating to examination, date of result, date of revaluation, etc. should be put up in the notice board as well as website well in advance.
  3. Declaration of result should be done within 15 days from the date of examination.
  4. Question paper setting, Xeroxing and storing of such Xeroxed paper should be done with at most secrecy,
  5. Bill relating to examination work should be submitted within 15 days from the date of declaration of result.
  6. The end-semester examination and the mid-semester examinations must be held within the periods allocated in the Academic Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, the Principal may permit holding the examinations outside these periods.

Examination Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Members Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.Y. V. Rami Reddy Exam Section In-Charge Convener
3 Dr.B. Narasimha Rao HOD H&S Member
4 Mr.J. Vara Prasad HOD Civil Member
5 Dr.P Sankar Babu HOD EEE Member
6 Mr.M.Siva Ramakrishnaiah HOD MECH Member
7 Mr.G.Lakshminarayana HOD ECE Member
8 Mr.M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy HOD CSE Member
9 Mr. B. Rama Subbaiah HOD CSE (AI) Member
10 Mr.S. Srinivasulu i/c HOD MBA Member



  1. To function as a channel between the library and its stakeholders, such as users, management, faculty, suppliers, etc.
  2. To ensure that uninterrupted Library services are available for the students and faculty.
  3. To prepare the annual budget of the library and to allocate the funds to meet the requirements of the departments.
  4. To ensure maximum utilization of the library and resources
  1. To assist the Librarian in formulating Library policy.
  2. To look after general maintenance of the library in terms of reading material and infrastructure.
  3. To effectively involve in fostering the reading habit of staff and students.
  4. To recommend / justify / sanction / approve withdrawal and weeding out of outdated material to the competent authority for final decision in the matter.
  5. To prepare the agenda and minutes of the meetings and circulate it to the authorities and to the Librarian.
  6. To identify vendors and shortlist.

Library Committee Members
S.No Library committee members Designation Position
1 Dr P. Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Dr. M. Siva Ramakrishnaiah HOD (ME) Convener
3 Dr. P. Sankar Babu HOD(EEE) Member
4 Dr.G. Lakshmi Narayana HOD ( ECE) Member
5 Mr.M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy HOD( CSE) Member
6 Mr. B.Rama Subbaiah HOD CSE(AI) Member
7 Mr. J. Vara Prasad HOD(Civil) Member
8 Dr B. Narasimha Rao HOD (H&S) Member
9 Mr. A. Muralidhar Asst. Prof., ( MBA) Member
10 Mr.K. Rajeswara Rao Librarian Member
11 Mr.E. Srinivas Kumar Asst. Librarian Member
12 Ms. B. Nirmala Jyothi Asst. Librarian Member
13 Mr. S. Shamshir Hussain (20AM5A0309) Student, IV ME Member
14 Ms. P.Joshna (19AM1A0423) Student, IV ECE Member
15 Ms. Lakshmi Meghana (20AM1A0522) Student, III CSE Member
16 Mr. S. Sameer (20AM5A0108) Student, IV CE Member



  1. To increase alumni interaction with the institution.
  2. To foster and keep alive the loyalty to the institution and creating concern for its welfare.
  3. To inculcate exchange of ideas among alumni and between alumni and the students.
  4. To assist the current students to achieve their goals by means of mentor ship and scholarship setup through Alumni.
  1. To maintain an up-to-date and detailed database of the alumni.
  2. To highlight the success of alumni to improve the credibility and reputation of the Institute and the University.
  3. To plan and promote a platform for interaction between all stakeholders.
  4. To promote the interests and welfare of alumni association.
  5. To maintain healthy relationship with the alumni body.
  6. To assist the management in creating an environment in the college which is enables the students to have long-lasting memories.

Alumni Committee Members
S.No Name Designation Position
1 Dr P. Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.S.Mohan Das Assoc.Prof.,( ECE) Convener
3 Mr.S. Maddileti Asst. Professor (EEE) Member
4 Mr. B.V Amarnath Reddy Asst. Professor (ME) Member
5 Mrs.K.S.Pavani Asst. Professor (ECE) Member
6 Mrs.Y. Anitha Reddy Asst. Professor (CSE) Member
7 Mr. M. Mallikarjuna Asst. Professor (CE) Member
8 Mr. V. Vivekananda Reddy Alumni ( ECE 2015-19) Member
9 Mr. K. Ramudu Alumni ( ME 2015-19) Member
10 Mr. D. Abhisikth Reddy Alumni ( CE 2015-19) Member
11 Mrs N. Hemalatha Alumni ( EEE 2016-20) Member


The Website & Social Media Committee uses technology and the internet to communicate the goals and initiatives of the Institute, connect alumni and students with each other and with resources, and advance the professional development of faculty and students.

  1. Engage and inform faculty, students and staff about all types of events being organized in SVREC
  2. Ensuring the participation of more number of students in all the events and competitions.
Responsibilities To update the website and social media pages (facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram, linkedin etc)
Committee Members
S.No Name Designation & Dept. Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna reddy Principal Chairman
2 Mr.N. Rakesh Babu TPO Convener
3 Dr.B.Narasimha Rao HOD H&S Member
4 Mrs.B. Sireesha Assistant Professor, ECE Member
5 Mr.M.Mallikarjuna Assistant Professor Civil Member
6 Mr.N.Sreenivasulu Assistant Professor, ME Member
7 Mr.S.Maddileti Assistant Professor,EEE Member
8 Mrs.A.Bindukala Assistant Professor, CSE Member


SVREC is having a zero tolerance policy to ragging and maintains a strict Anti-ragging policy.

    To educate students regarding anti-ragging laws and policies to prevent them from engaging in ragging.
  1. To sensitize the student community towards developing empathy for the new students.
Responsibilities The Committee is responsible to
  1. Give wide publicity regarding anti-ragging laws and policies across the college
  2. Monitor activities during start of academic year
  3. Solicit affidavits from parents/guardians and students in case incidents of ragging are bought to its notice
  4. Conduct counseling sessions for senior students
  5. Conduct counseling sessions for incoming students at the time of admission and induction
  6. Prevent ragging by students in the institute by proactively making rounds.
  7. Promote and maintain discipline in the institute by pro-actively giving suggestions to curb ragging.

Anti-Ragging Committee Members
S.No Name of the member Designation Department Position
1 Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairman
2 Dr B. Narasimaha Rao HOD H&S Convener
3 Sri Y. Venkata Rami Reddy Asst.Professor CIVIL Co-Convener
4 Dr J. Varaprasad HOD CIVIL Member
5 Dr P. Sankar Babu HOD EEE Member
6 Mr M.N. Mallikarjuna Reddy HOD CSE Member
7 Mr. B. Rama Subbaiah HOD CSE -AI Member
8 Sri S Mohan Das Assoc. Professor ECE Member
9 Mr. N.Md. Mohasinul Haq Asst. Professor MECH Member
10 Mrs. D. Anuradha Girl’s Hostel i/c ECE Member
11 Sri S. Maddilteli Assist. Professor EEE Member
12 Ms S. Nazia Assistant Professor Maths Member
13 Smt M. Guru Lakshmi Assistant Professor English Member
14 Mr. V. Bharadwaja Sarma Parent Member
15 Mr. B. Anthony Reddy Parent Member
16 Mr. P.Shashidhar (21AM5A0335) 3rd Year Student Mech Member
17 Mr.K.Gowtham Kumar (21AM5A0109) 3rd Year Student CIVIL Member
18 Ms. K. Sushma Reddy (21AM1A04A8) 2nd Year Student ECE Member
19 Mr.G. Abhinai (21AM1A3101) 2ndYear Student CSE-AI Member



  1. To help the Training and Placement Office in conducting and coordinating campus placement process as well as training programs in the college.
  2. To identify internship opportunities for students from various specializations
  1. To conduct placement tests for and on behalf companies for recruitment.
  2. To assemble the students for placement.
  3. To assist in setting up laboratories for online recruitment tests.
  4. To update TPO data on the college website from time to time.

S.No Name of the Faculty member Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.N. Rakesh Babu TPO Convener
3 Mr.N. Sreenivasulu Asst. Professor-ME Member
4 Mrs. B.V.S.N. Lakshmi Asst. Professor-CSE-AI Member
5 Mr.K. Amarendranath Asst. Professor-CSE Member
6 Mrs. K.S. Pavani Asst. Professor-ECE Member
7 Mr.S.Maddileti Asst. Professor-EEE Member



  1. To promote and arrange Co-Curricular and extra-curricular activities to bring out the talents of students in the performing and other creative arts.
  2. To identify and encourage students with exceptional talents for performing arts, etc.
  3. To promote athletics, sports, and other activities
  4. To provide support for outstanding athletes and sports personnel in times of competitions in which they are taking part.
  5. To organize in-house competitions for the benefit of students, faculty and staff.
  1. To plan and schedule cultural events
  2. To give a wide publicity to various festivals and events to be celebrated in the college.
  3. To organize social service groups and clubs as well as outdoor field activities
  4. To arrange discussions and workshops of group of students on a regular basis on issues of social importance, ethical relevance and moral values.
  5. To maintain a stock of sports goods.
  6. To order sports equipment after seeking necessary approvals.
  7. To recommend students for permission to participate in the intra or inter collegiate events as well as Inter University sports events.
  8. To ensure that those students who participate in sports events are given attendance as per the rules of the JNTUA.
  9. To maintain discipline in all events happening in and outside the college.
  10. To maintain records of sports events attended by students.

Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular Activities Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Members Designation Position
1 Dr. P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.P.Ramesh Babu Asso. Professor H&S Convener
3 Mr.Sathish Goud PED Member
4 Mrs. B. Kalyani Asst. Professor H&S Member
5 Mrs.Sneha Maduri Asst. Professor EEE Member
6 Mr. S.N.Pradeep Kumar Reddy Asst. Professor ME Member
7 Mrs. D. Anuradha Asst. Professor ECE Member
8 Mr.Anitha Asst. Professor CSE Member
9 Mr.S.Sreenivasulu Asst. Professor MBA Member
10 Mr. P. Parabrahmam Asst. Professor H&S Member
11 Mr. T.Vamsi (19AM1A0482) Student IV ECE Member
12 Mr. Shaik Firoz (21AM5A0106) Student III CE Member
13 Mr. M.Jagadeesh (20AM5A0304) Student IV ME Member
14 Mr. K.Sravani (21am5a0410) Student III ECE Member
15 Mr.C.Manohar (20AM1A0526) Student III ECE Member


SVREC has a canteen committee that is responsible for monitoring the operations of the canteen at regular intervals and reviewing it.
Its primary responsibilities include

  1. Sensitizing the canteen staff on the various dietary needs of the SVREC community
  2. To ensure that the canteen food is cooked in a clean and hygienic manner.
  3. To ensure that the canteen facilities are clean
  4. To ensure that the prices of all the items in canteen are reasonable

S.No Name of the Faculty member Designation position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Dr B. Narasimha Rao HOD, H & S Convener
3 Mr. B.V.Amaranatha Reddy Asst. Professor-ME Member
4 Miss.P.Manjusha Asst. Professor-CE Member
5 Mr. S. Jakeer Hussain Asst. Professor-MBA Member
6 Mr.N M Mohasinul Huq Asst. Professor-ECE Member
7 Mr.D Umendra Asst. Professor-EEE Member
8 M. Sumanth (19AM1A0309) IV B.Tech ME Member
9 Ms. K.Naga Jyothi (19AM1A0529) III B.Tech CSE Member
10 Chandrika Y(20AM5A0202) III B.Tech EEE Member
11 T.Rama Panindra (20AM1A0463) III B.Tech ECE Member
12 M. Lokesh (21AM5A0115) IV B.Tech CIVIL Member
13 Mr. S. Manohar Naidu (20AM1A0447) II B.Tech Civil Member


SVREC is committed to provide safe academic and working environment to all girl students and its women employees. As per the guidelines of Supreme Court, UGC, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) on Sexual Harassment has been established. This committee has been constituted under the policy, prevention and punishment for sexual harassment of women at workplace.

  1. To consider the welfare women teaching and non-Teaching faculty and girls students
  2. To handle the issues related with sexual harassment women faculty and students
  3. To provide information regarding counseling and support services on our campus
  4. To take proactive measures towards sensitization of the faculty and students on gender issues
  1. Committee will take all necessary steps to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action
  2. Committee shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act for inquiring into the compliant in a time bound manner
  3. If the allegations against the respondent have been proved, it shall recommend punitive actions to be taken against the respondent to the management.
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Members

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mrs. M. Guru Lakshmi Asst. Prof, English Convener
3 Dr P. Sankar Babu EEE HOD Member
4 Mrs B. Sireesha Asst. Prof, ECE Member
5 Mrs. B. Kalyani Asst. Prof,, Chemistry Member
6 Ms. P.Akhila (19AM1A0405) 4th B.Tech ECE student Member
7 Ms. C. Mounika (20AM1A0527) 3rd B.Tech CSE student Member
8 Smt. J Swaroopa Rani NGO Member


Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee members

  1. To maintain and enforce strict discipline within the college campus.
  2. All the students should wear their ID Cards while they are in the campus and their respective class rooms.
  3. In case of any violation of dress code or disturbance in the class, the ID card will be confiscated from the student which will be handed over to the student on the same day with a warning and advice from the Disciplinary Committee Members.
  4. During lecture and practical hours students must be seated in the classroom or laboratories only. No single student should seat in parking area, canteen and in the campus. To ensure that all the students attend classes without bunking and prevent them from leaving the college early. Please note that no student can leave the college early without prior permission from the concerned authorities.
  5. In case of any misbehavior or violation of the college rules, the ID cards of the students will be kept with the Disciplinary Committee Members till the enquiry is over.
  6. To enforce total prohibition of playing music on cell phone by the students within the college campus. If a student is found playing loud music on a cell phone, it will be taken away and handed over to the Principal.
  7. Discipline Committee Members
    S.No Name of the Faculty Department Position
    1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
    2 Mr. B.Rama Subbaiah CSE-AI Convener
    3 Mr.P.V.Subhanjaneyulu MECH Member
    4 Mr.S. Maddilety EEE Member
    5 Mr.K.Sudharshan EEE Member
    6 Mr.M.Mallikarjuna CIVIL Member
    7 Mr.K.Shammad Basha CIVIL Member
    8 Mr.T.Shareef CSE Member
    9 K.Amarendranath CSE Member
    10 Mrs.B.V.S.N. Lakshmi CSE-AI Member
    11 N.Md. Mohasinul Huq CSE Member
    12 K.Raghavendra ECE Member
    13 Mrs.D.Anuradha ECE Member
    14 K.V.Ramanjaneya Reddy MATH(H&S) Member
    15 G. Sunil Kumar MATH(H&S) Member
    16 Mrs.S.Nazia MATH(H&S) Member


The Admission Committee is constituted to decide on the Admission related matters of the College.
The committee will look into:

  1. The matters relating to Admissions of the students at both UG & PG level.
  2. Provides all information related to admissions under Counseling Quota and Management Quota to the students and parents.
  3. Issue Notifications for AICTE fee waiver, Sports, First Graduate, SC/ST Scholarship, Management merit scholarship & physically challenged students Admissions as per the guidelines issued by State Government.
  4. Submit the list of Admissions made by the college to the Directorate of Technical Education (DOTE), Amaravathi and get approved.
  5. Provides information about our college Past results, Placement, Infrastructure facilities, College/Faculty/Students Achievements, related information to both parents & students.

Admissions Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Mr. P. Ramesh Babu Asst. Professor, English Convener
3 Mr. S. Mohan Das Assoc. Professor, ECE Member
4 Mr. M. Siva Rama Krishnaiah Assoc. Professor, ME Member
5 Mr.Y.V. Rami Reddy Asst. Professor, Civil Member
6 Mr.S.Mohammad Ishaq Asst. Professor,H&S Member
7 Mrs.Bindukala Asst. Professor,CSE Member
8 Mr.A.D.Sivarama kumar Asst. Professor, CSE Member
9 Mr.NMd Mohasinul Haq Asst. Professor, ECE Member
10 Mr.D.Umendra Asst. Professor, EEE Member


Minority cell of the institute was established with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the institute.Institute has been very much keen to provide services to the educational and cultural needs of the Minority community along with other caste, creed and nationality. The Minority Cell basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim etc. for their academic development
The committee will look into:

  1. To provide equal education opportunities for minorities.
  2. To facilitate the financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
  3. To create awareness among the minority students regarding various scholarships from State and Central Governments and UGC/AICTE.
  4. To encourage to get enrolled for career orientation programmes, which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options.
  5. To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event in the campus

Minority Cell Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 N Md Mohasinul Huq Assistant Professor, ECE Convener
3 B.V. Amaranatha Reddy Assistant Professor, ME Member
4 S Md Farooq Basha Assistant Professor, HS Member
5 S Nazia Assistant Professor, HS Member


The SVR Engineering College (SVREC) is committed to providing an environment that promotes diversity and respects everyone regardless of caste, colour, religious belief or cultures. While maintaining the diversity of all kinds, it also commits to ensure the protection of everyone as per the provisions of the constitution of India in such matters. In order to create a living and working environment where all students feel safe and respected, there is a need to establish an OBC Cell with the following objectives:
The committee will look into:

  1. To provide equal educational opportunities for OBC students.
  2. To facilitate the financial support to students from OBC communities from governmental agencies and other sources
  3. To create awareness among theOBC students regarding various scholarships from State and Central Governments and UGC/AICTE.
  4. To encourage to get enrolled for career orientation programmes, which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options
  5. To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.

OBC Cell Committee Members
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Dr.P.Mallikarjuna Reddy Principal Chairperson
2 Dr M. Sivaramkrishnaiah Professor, MECH Convener
3 Mr. S Maddilety Assistant Professor, EEE Member
4 Mrs. B Shereesha Assistant Professor, ECE Member
5 Mr. P.V. Subhanjaneyulu Assistant Professor, MECH Member